Servizio Esperienza Innovazione

Trasmettitori di livello

Euro S.E.I. può fornirvi diverse tipologie di trasmettitori di livello, dove il segnale analogico viene trasformato in un segnale 4-20 mA che può essere processato da controllori e regolatori.

Trasmettitori di livello LASER 

Euro S.E.I. può fornirvi diverse tipologie di trasmettitori di livello, dove il segnale analogico viene trasformato in un segnale 4-20 mA che può essere processato da controllori e regolatori.

Il modello LLT100 è prodotto in modo specifico per applicazioni industriali ed ambienti aggressivi. Fornisce in modo continuo misure non a contatto per l'automazione del processo e per la gestione del magazzino relativamente a prodotti minerari, granulati, petroliferi, chimici, alimentari, energia, cartari, farmaceutici e acque.

The LLT100 is specifically made for industrial applications and harsh environments. It provides continuous, non-contact level measurement capabilities for process automation and inventory management in industries such as mining, aggregates, oil and gas, chemicals, food and beverages, power, pulp and paper, pharma, and water and waste water.

Basso costo di proprietà / Low cost of ownership
– Nessuna manutenzione / No maintenance
– Nessuna calibrazione necessaria / No calibration necessary
– Versatilità / Versatile level transmitter

Affidabile / Reliable
– Misura accurata di superfici solide o liquide / Precise measurement of any solid or liquid surface
– Capacità di misurare attraverso polveri o nebbie / Dust and fog penetration capabilities
– Antideflagrante per Classe 1 / Divisione 1 (Zona 1) / Explosion proof Class 1 / Division 1 (Zone 1)

Conveniente / Convenient
– Installazione veloce e flessibile / Fast and flexible installation
– Facilità di impostazione / Easy setup function
– Collegamento a 2 fili con protocollo HART / 2 wire powered and HART communication

Consegna rapida / Fast delivery
– Meno di 2 settimane dall'ordine alla spedizione / Less than 2 weeks from order to delivery


Trasmettitori di livello radar

For high-accuracy, reliable measurements even in harsh conditions.
Using radar frequencies, guided in a probe going into the monitored vessel, guided-wave radar level measurement provides continuous, reliable measurements with high accuracy. The radar wave being guided by the probe, the wave energy remains high which allows measurement even in harsh conditions.
The new LWT series of guided-wave radar builds on the legacy of the MT5000 series. Now with more powerful LevelExpertTM algorithm to efficiently track the level through the clutter, you do not need to be a radar expert to use this device: The expert is now inside the device!
Customer benefits:
Microwaves are unaffected by temperature, pressure, specific gravity and vapors
Easy to install
No moving parts
Ignores light continuous coatings
Good for vacuum service
More direct energy return – more consistent signal
Built-in waveform screen (Scope Trace)
Industries served:
Oil and gas production
Pharmaceutical and biotech
Power generation
Pulp and paper
Iron and steel
Food and beverage

Trasmettitori di livello ultrasuoni

ABB’s LST family of ultrasonic level transmitters provides non-contact level measurement and pump control for the water and wastewater industries. Used for both closed tanks and open containment ponds, they work on the principle of time of flight (of sound in air). These simple measuring devices are capable of measuring levels in both clean and harsh environments
and are a very cost-effective solution for water projects.

In addition to level measurement, open channel flow can be measured in a weir or a flume arrangement, such as at the inlet of a potable water unit. The transducer is positioned above the liquid level and upstream of the engineered obstruction. With the aid of built-in linearizers, derived flow can be accurately calculated from the measured level. The LSTs can then provide
flow rate and a totalized flow signal.

  • Graphic LCD display with Touch Through Glass technology
  • 5 configurable relays
  • Configurable as open channel flowmeter
  • Pump cycling and pump monitoring
  • ATEX, IEC & FM Intrinsic safe and non- sparking approved
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